WILHELM SCHMIDT containers are used along the entire high-purity microelectronics process chain
Pure media supply
The production of semiconductors requires high-purity process media that are sensitive to environmental influences and often aggressive. WILHELM SCHMIDT offers stainless steel transport containers that meet the high requirements of the semiconductor industry while complying with traffic regulations.
High-Tech Materials Synthesis
High-performance materials, such as electronic chemicals or liquid crystals, are at the core of microelectronics, the manufacture of which requires absolutely pure conditions. WILHELM SCHMIDT is your expert for stainless steel process vessels used for high-purity production and subsequent transport to equipment manufacturers.
Microelectronics production
Manufacturers of microelectronics require particle-free functional materials and process media. The supply of these substances places high demands on the process technology. WILHELM SCHMIDT ultra-clean containers made of stainless steel guarantee tightness, purity and resistance with optimised residual emptying along the entire manufacturing process.